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The Backrooms 1998 (TapTap Event)


You've fallen into the depths of The Backrooms. Be quiet... it can hear you.



Part of the TapTap Event

In order to join this campaign and get a key for The Backrooms 1998 you need to agree to introduce TapTap in your video

Win raffle entries (max prize $1000!) for every click to TapTap on your shared link for every video about The Backrooms 1998 that introduces TapTap


Creator Information

Campaign Type: Mixed

Incentive: Key for full game and possibility of real cash prize

Streaming Platforms: YouTube and TikTok only

Hardware Required (DRM): PC (Steam)

Regions: Steam - Worldwide, but limited to creators with English speaking audiences

Link Tracking: You are required to share your unique link with your audience. You can include this in your YouTube or TikTok description

Timing: You may produce coverage as soon as you're offered a key, but we would prefer you to produce coverage between 15th June and 15th July



Campaign Requirements 


Terms and conditions are at the bottom of this product listing

1. Introduce features of TapTap in your TikTok, Twitch or YouTube video

This introduction has to mention a feature of TapTap, be in your own voice and not scripted.

Features include:

  • TapTap is a mobile games community where players gather to discuss and share content around video games
  • TapTap is a games discovery platform where you can rate mobile games and discover truly fun experiences

2. Refer your viewers to TapTap

In the description of your TikTok or YouTube video you should share a link to TapTap with a call-to-action, such as:
“Check out TapTap here:[productname]”

Every unique viewer that clicks on this link in your videos will add another entry to the raffle to win up to $1,000!





Genre: Horror, Survival, Pyschological Horror

Similar Games: Silent Hill, Outlast, Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Why is it good to feature on your channel? Intense realistic psychological horror, where even your breathing might cause an attack!

Difficulty: Not for the faint-hearted!

Languages: English

Multiplayer: Singleplayer

Music: Soundtrack cleared for live streaming


Game Description


WARNING: This game may be disturbing to some audience as this game contains real disturbing footage, sounds, fear nature, jump scares, gore, extreme violence and intense horror that may not be for the faint of heart. Play this game at your own risk.

The Backrooms: 1998 is a is a first-person found footage psychological survival horror game where it tells the story of a young teen after accidentally falling into the depths of The Backrooms in 1998. Roam freely, mark, explore and try unravel the story - however you are not alone. Don't scream or it will hear you. Mind your footsteps, if you step on glass it will hear you. If you knock over objects, it might hear you. Everything comes at a consequences.

Search for supplies, tools and items to help in your escape. Such tools as a spray gun which can help you to mark your path so you don't get lost in The Backrooms. Things you may see in the shadows, are sometimes not shadows. Something or someone may be lurking in there with you. Use your stamina only when needed, and tread carefully. Hiding in crawl spaces, under tables or inside lockers if you see something unusual can be a good idea.

Please note: The Backrooms: 1998 is a survival horror game being worked on by one developer, the premise of the game is an "escape room" type of game - where you have to collect clues, find supplies to help you in The Backrooms and try to escape them. It is currently in Early Access and I will try my best to update the game frequently to give you the best enjoyable experience. Please do submit your feedbacks and suggestions as it really helps out with the development!

Try to escape by completing objectives, finding clues and unfold the mystery surrounding how you got stuck in The Backrooms. This is an 'escape room' type game - you have to find your own way out by searching for clues and tools to help live longer. Mark your paths, hide in furniture and try not to make a sound - every corner can be your last. Making too much noise can attract unwanted attention.

The game takes place in 1998, it tells the story of a young teen after accidentally falling into the depths of The Backrooms. Each room can look the same, and they can also play tricks on you. That is why it's vital to search for supplies to help you mark your paths, find medicine to stay sane and try to escape if you dare. Just remember, that you are never alone in the backrooms. In order to survive, you must stock your inventory with items and collect supplies you may find in different rooms that can be essentials to your survival. In addition to finding items such as a spray gun to mark your path, medicine to stay sane, syringes to heal yourself, crowbars to open barricaded doors and such you also have to manage your inventory carefully and also manage your flashlight's batteries. Ending up in the darkness in the backrooms is not a good idea.



  • Microphone Input: The enemy can hear your breathing, voice and screams through your microphone. Don't scream.
  • An immersive found-footage experience with a thrilling story and a claustrophobic environment set in The Backrooms in 1998.
  • Survival elements with full inventory system, objectives, clue-findings and tools to help you survive longer, or escape.
  • Find, uncover and unravel the terrifying backstory of The Backrooms with ever-changing rooms, hallways, areas that all seem too familiar.
  • Flashlight, Tools & Supplies: Find tools and supplies to guide you in The Backrooms such as flashlight that also requires batteries, spray gun to help you mark your paths so you know you been there before, and others.
  • Stamina System: You won't be able to outrun it. It will catch you as it never gets tired.
  • Mark-Your-Paths: Tools that can be used for path-marking such as a spray gun to help you to mark your path so you don't get lost.
  • "Escape-Room" Objectives: Roam freely, mark locations and find clues, complete objectives and try to escape The Backrooms, if you can.
  • Inventory Management: Find supplies and tools to help you survive longer in The Backrooms. Such tools will be vital for your survival.
  • Doors, crawl spaces and more: Roam around hallways, passages, crawl spaces and rooms. Be sure to close the doors behind you, or it can notice.
  • Hiding System: Hide from the enemies in lockers, crawl spaces and under tables to get past your enemies or hide from them.
  • Changing Environment: The environment may change with your sanity in The Backrooms. That's why it's vital to mark your path.
  • Gut Wrecking Moments: Walking on broken glass can make noises that the enemy may hear, same as moving crates or knocking over objects. all these things can give away your position. Try to evade them or use them as your advantages.
  • Hardcore-Gameplay: This will be an objective-finding type game, where you have to complete a set of objectives in the backrooms and find clues. You are only allowed to save limited number of times only when you are in the 'safe room'.
  • Enemy That Listens: The enemies can hear your footsteps, your breathing through the microphone and your fear.
  • Plan Accordingly: Plan your next move as it may be your last. Peak around corners, watch your foosteps, move slowly on glass and use stealth.
  • Limited Saving System: You can only save limited number of times in a 'safe room' - If you lose after the limit, you are forever stuck in The Backrooms.

Real found footage telling the story of the terrifying events that occurred in 1998.

Use tools such as your spray-gun to mark your paths so you don't get lost.

Sometimes the things you see in the shadows, are not just shadows.

Find flashlights, tools and supplies to help you survive a bit longer or escape.

Inventory system, combine items and inventory management that you need to manage.

Use the environment as your advantages - Such as closing doors behind you to slow enemies down and give you a chance to think your next move or to hide.

Interact with items and objects which can be helpful and provide you tips.

Gut-wrecking moments with an enemy that can hear your footsteps and your voice.

Creepy environment with narrow and claustrophobic hallways, corridors and rooms.

Discover crawl spaces to hide from your enemy and take shortcuts to the unknown.

- with many threats lurking around each corner you turn.

Mark your paths so you don't get lost, and see which path can be safe or unsafe.

An environment that changes along with your sanity.

Discover, mark, find clues to try and escape the madness of The Backrooms.

Hide in lockers, under tables and in furniture to stay hidden from the enemy.

Find necessary items to unlock new short-cuts for several other rooms.

Explore or not, the choice is all yours - each path you take is yours to choose.

If the enemy is near, be sure to hold your breath - as it can hear you from your mic.

Findable craftables that you can combine together to make more powerful items.

Saving system where you can only save only for limited number of times near a VHS.

Will you trust your sanity? Some things can be real, while others are not.

The question is .. do you have what it takes to enter The Backrooms of 1998?


How To Survive:

1. Crouch and stay low, so enemies won't hear you.
2. Hide under tables, furniture, lockers or crawl spaces and stay safe.
3. Don't run or you will make noise. Run only when necessary.
4. Be careful when walking on glass and rubbish - since it makes noise.
5. You can cause a distraction by throwing objects around.
6. Mind your stamina, if you get tired then you cannot outrun it.
7. Search every corner for medicine, just in case you get injured.
8. Use your spray-gun and mark location that you already been too, so you don't get lost.
9. If you hear running foosteps, that's not good news - as it may have heard you. Run or hide!

The Backrooms: 1998 is a horror game made by one developer at Steelkrill Studio. Please note this game is an objective-collection game with a story. Your objective is to find and collect clues in the Backrooms while also finding supplies, items and objects to help you out - all this while you are being hunted by the enemy. If you can, please submit your feedback and report any bugs and this will really help speed up the progress of the development! Thank you so much.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Influencers shall provide only honest feedback regarding the Product based upon their personal experience and not make any disparaging comments about the Product, Client, or Provider or about any competitors of Client or Provider or of any other brand. 
  2. Subject to the requirements set forth in this Agreement, the creation process and style of all Content shall be up to the Influencers.
  3. Influencers shall minimize the use of profane language, shall not talk about politics or religion, make any discriminatory comments, or make sexual comments, shall not be under the influencer of drugs or alcohol,, and shall be fully attired (shirt and shorts or pants or shirt and skirt or dress), when providing any of the Services.   
  4. Influencers shall not use profane, obscene (including nudity), offensive, or racist (or otherwise signifying hate toward an individual or group of people) images or text when providing the Services.
  5. Influencers shall not use or create content that exploits images or likenesses of minors.
  6. Influencers shall not negatively compare the Product to other Products.  
  7. Influencers shall not use content for which they do not own the intellectual property  rights, for example: (i) any names, images or likenesses of other persons without their permission (or the permission of their parents or legal guardians, where applicable), including celebrities; (ii) any names, trademarks, logos of companies, sports teams, colleges/universities, clubs, or organizations unless the  Influencer represents that brand or company and is authorized to use the materials or merchandise; or (iii) music for which they do not have a license. 
  8. The total raffle budget is $2,000 USD, to be allocated in a random draw by Keymailer in accordance with the number of unique clicks accrued on the relevant links.
  9. Influencers must be at least 18 to be involved in payments
  10. Payments are only due to channels who request access to the campaign and are accepted by email notification. 
  11. Only TikTok and YouTube video content on a channel linked to your Keymailer account is valid.
  12. Content must be at least 1 minutes long.
  13. Content must be created by you for this campaign.
  14. Content must be uploaded or streamed after 00:01 GMT on 15th June 2022.
  15. Content that is unreasonably negative in tone or content will not be eligible for payment.
  16. Content is eligible at Keymailer and TapTap's discretion. 
  17. The total number of clicks may not be accurate as we have to infer that each click comes from a unique user and are not responsible for any inaccuracies.
  18. Any clicks received after the campaign closes will not be eligible for the raffle
  19. The promoter will have 30 days to validate the content reported by TikTok and YouTube API’s
  20. Any channels or content that show evidence of manipulated, artificial, bot, or bought views will be immediately disqualified and not eligible for payment.
  21. Any channels or content that breaches these terms and conditions is not eligible for payment
  22. Payments will be made at least 30 days after the end of the campaign
  23. Payment will be made in United States Dollars using PayPal.
  24. You will bear the transaction costs and any currency exchange rates of your payouts. This means that your payout will be after transaction costs are deducted by the payment processor, and we do not control transaction costs.
    You must ensure your sponsorship settings are set to accept payments, and that your PayPal email address is correct
  25. In the event of any dispute about amounts due, the decision of the promoter “TapTap” will be final.

The Backrooms 1998 (TapTap Event)

Released: 21st Jun 2022

The game is available now

Request key

Steelkrill Studio


Steelkrill Studio

Release Date

21st Jun 2022

Official Hashtag


YouTube Tag

the backrooms 1998 - found footage survival horror game




Steam - Windows