These are our frequently asked questions, if your question is not answered here, you can fill out the contact form below, for further support.
YouTube uses video tags to help the audience find videos, and we use the same tags to tell the publisher if you have covered their game.
You can check whether we have discovered your game coverage by looking in the content stream on your profile page.
When you first sign up, the system will go back 6 months and add that content to your profile.
If you use Ad-Blocker Plus, this may interfere with coverage listed in your Profile.
To solve the problem, go to the browser extension settings and add to your list of Whitelisted websites.
Keymailer is an online resource for content creators, game publishers, developers and PR agencies to connect, send and receive game keys for review, and highlight the great content generated from those keys.
When you set up a Gamer account on Keymailer and request games, the game’s Publisher will see your profile, channel links, content, the games you play and feature, and any other information you have provided to support your key requests.
When you request a game key, the publisher or their agent checks out your Keymailer profile, channel stats and the type of content you create.
If they send you a key, using the tags provided on the content you create, will enable us to pick it up automatically, and sent to the publisher. They can then let the game’s community know and hopefully drive audience your way.
You may also be offered games based on what you’ve played or featured in the past. So if you like a particular game or genre, you may well be offered game keys for other similar games.
All gaming content you create is added to your Keymailer profile to make sure Publishers have up to date information about your channels.
Very occasionally we need to perform updates and maintenance on Keymailer. We will flag all scheduled maintenance on the top of the Login and Discovery page to warn of site downtime. Unscheduled downtime will make us just as angry as you, so you have our assurance that we will be trying to fix it as quickly as humanly possible.
For security reasons we can’t change your registered email address for you. However, if you get in touch with us using the contact form, we can erase the account completely and you can then sign up again with your correct email.
Click Forgotten Password on the login screen, or Login and go to Under ACTIONS, click CHANGE PASSWORD.
We’re building functionality that will enable members of MCNs to connect through Keymailer. In the meantime, if you are a member of an MCN or an MCN that would like to be listed on the system, please contact us using the form for assistance.
When contacting Keymailer be sure to read through our FAQ, if your question has already been answered there, you will not get a response from our support team.
© Keymailer 2025
All images and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only.