Roxy Raccoon's Pinball Panic - Ghoulish Games
2 Brand New Tables with online leaderboards, a new playable character and unlockable cosmetics!
Haunted Carnival themed tables with an emphasis on bouncy playfields, unique flipper setups, teleporting balls & Multi-ball madness!Silly Circus
- Unique Circus Tent Holes which teleport you to another tent at random.
- Spinning Merry Go Round in the center surrounded by 6 drop targets, knock them down to activate multi-ball and watch as they transform into bumpers!
- 4 Flippers, 6 Bumpers, 6 Drop Targets, 3 Holes, 6 Rollovers, Merry-Go-Round
- Kickback, Ball saver & Multi-Ball
Crazy Carnival
- Ultra-Wide table with 2 upper playfields.
- Every new ball is Multi-Ball.
- 10 Flippers, 12 Slingshots, 3 Bumpers, 6 Rollovers, 6 Drop Targets, 5 Holes, Merry-Go-Round.
- Ball Saver, Multi-Ball, Score Multiplier
- Tricky Trevor: a new playable character (the ball handles the exact same, differences are visual only).
- 6 Spooky Accessories.
- 6 Haunted Fur Colors.